jamc كتبه ben cheikh mohamed aziz PERFORMANCES & PLAYS_APPLICTION FORM_VA_JAMC 2025 Étape 1 sur 5 20% SHOWS & PERFORMANCES CARTHAGE PUPPET ARTS DAYS FESTIVAL 6th EDITION 2025 FEBRUARY 01 – 08 * Please prepare the following attachments before filling in the form: Poster and photos of the play / Director's photo / complete and detailed technical file / identity documents* All fields must be completed (otherwise specify “not applicable”)* GENERAL INFORMATIONSCompany Name :* ADDRESS :* COMPANY PHONE :*WHATSAPP :*CONTACT PERSON EMAIL / AGENT* WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK PAGE * INFORMATIONS ON THE SHOWENTITLED :* SYNOPSIS :*POSTER AND PHOTOS OF THE SHOW :* Déposer les fichiers ici ou Sélectionnez des fichiers Taille max. des fichiers : 5 MB, Max. des fichiers : 10. LINK TO THE VIDEO :* VIDEO PASSWORD : DIRECTOR / AUTHOR OF THE SHOW :* DIRECTOR / AUTHOR E-MAIL :* DIRECTOR'S PICTURE :* Déposer les fichiers ici ou Sélectionnez des fichiers Taille max. des fichiers : 5 MB, Max. des fichiers : 10. BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE DIRECTOR :*THEATRICAL FORM :* THE SHOW TAKES PLACE :* Indoor Outdoor Other LANGUAGE OF THE SHOW :* French English Arab OVER-TITLING ?* Yes No DURATION OF THE SHOW :* : Heures Minutes AUDIENCE :*ChildrenAdultMAXIMUM NUMBER OF SPECTATORS ?* Yes No If yes please specifyYour availability dates between FEBRUARY 01 and 08, 2025:Date1: JJ slash MM slash AAAA Date2: JJ slash MM slash AAAA Date3: JJ slash MM slash AAAA * TECHNICAL DETAILSDimensions of space required (meters)WIDTH* HEIGHT* DEPTH* THE THEATRE MUST HAVE A PARTICULAR CONFIGURATION ?* Yes No IF YES PLEASE SPECIFY :THE LOCATION OF THE SPECTATORS : SETUP TIME :* : Heures Minutes UNINSTALLATION TIME :* : Heures Minutes What you need from festival to provide ? Light :DOES THE COMPANY BRING ITS OWN EQUIPMENT?* Yes No Sound :OTHER SPECIFICATION DETAILS :PLEASE ATTACH THE COMPLETE AND DETAILED TECHNICAL FILES :*Types de fichiers acceptés : pdf, Taille max. des fichiers : 100 MB. * FINANCIAL DETAILSCost of performance :*Number of possible performances per day : A decreasing rate could be applied for several performances *LOGISTICAL DETAILSDuration of stay : Arrival date :* MM slash JJ slash AAAA Date of departure :* MM slash JJ slash AAAA Number of persons (TOTAL) :Total number of double rooms :Total number of single rooms :ADDITIONAL REMARKS/OBSERVATIONS :PLEASE ATTACH ALL THE GROUP PASSPORTS:Documents to Attach : Déposer les fichiers ici ou Sélectionnez des fichiers Taille max. des fichiers : 100 MB. This document was duly completed successfully. Partagez FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsapp